Picture Tapping Technique Practitioner List
Contact me

Philip Davis Advanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer. Developer of the Picture Tapping Technique. More...
Solihull England
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Christine Sutton I am Christine Sutton, an experienced Practitioner in EFT and PTT, Reiki and Reflexology. More...
Solihull England
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Casey VanPutten Casey VanPutten has earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in school counseling. She has years of experience working in k-12 classrooms and with families. She has been trained in both Picture Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting.
Fishers United States
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jenny gilmore Replace this text with some brief details about you. A maximum of 250 characters are allowed. If you want to enter it later, please delete this message before clicking the Register Button.
York UK
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Kelly Roughton I am an EFT Practitioner and NGH Certified Hypnotherapist in the Montreal, Quebec, Canada area. Sessions can be in person, by Skype or by phone. Whether in English or French, humour, passion and compassion are the main ingredients. I'd love to help. More...
Montreal/Lachine Canada
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CAROLINE SEYEDI Hello, I am an Autism Specialist Holistic Therapist, Life Coach, Mentor and a Practitioner in many modalities. My passion is working with parents, caregivers, children and adults on the autism spectrum but I do not limit my work to this community.
Bristol AVON
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Fiona Truman I've trained in EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, FasterEFT and, of course, the Picture Tapping Technique, for which I am also a trainer.
Tamworth UK
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Sarah Jordan I am a certified practitioner in EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Picture Tapping Technique. I am particularly interested in working with people who have been affected by war, disaster or any other form of post traumatic stress. More...
Kidderminster UK
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Nasi Renold I am Nasi Renold, Hypnotherapist and Practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique/Picture Tapping Technique (EFT/PTT), EFT and The Reconnective and Reconnection Healing. nrenold10@gmail.com or 0116.274.5080.
Leicester UK
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Wendy Fry I specialise in working with women & children offering a range of tools & techniques supporting you to let go of the past & achieve personal goals for the future using Hypnotherapy-EFT- Matrix Reimprinting-Picture Tapping Technique, Coaching-NLP More...
Sutton Surrey
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Michelle Valente I am an AAMET Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner, and I love helping people achieve an emotionally lighter life.
NUNEATON United Kingdom
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Paula Ruane I practice More...
Brantham England
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ERICA RUSE WHALLEY I work with children, young people and adults as a counsellor in private practice and in schools)I find picture tapping to be very effective for children and young people,as they naturally express themselves through drawing,and working in metaphor. More...
Croydon, Surrey ENGLAND
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Barbara Saph Available for in person consultations in Southampton or by telephone. Specialising in anxiety or confidence issues and much more. In addition to being a PTT practitioner, I am also an experienced EFT practitioner and Hypnotherapist.
Marchwood Southampton United Kingdom
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Susan Quinn Im a licensed Marriage and Family therapist in Los Angeles. For the last 23 years I have been a NLP practitioner, EFT and Picture tapping (PTT) and EMDR specialist helping people make changes in person and on the phone/skype.
Los Angeles,CA USA
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Jane Norton I offer transformational life and career coaching using PTT, EFT and learning from Nature to guide clients to access their deep wisdom and live their purpose more fully. I love working with young people and social change artists.
Durham, North Carolina United States
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Gail Mae Ferguson-Maceda AAMET Cert. EFT Level 2 Practitioner & Cert. Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. A former performer in the ballet, on Broadway, in film & TV, I have found PTT to be an effective and pain free technique for clearing blocks and reaching your goals.
New York City USA
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Karen Northey Hi! I am an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), PTT practitioner, Counselor and Artist with over twenty years experience in counseling people with a wide range of health challenges. Post graduate qualifications in grief, loss and trauma counseling.
Brisbane Australia
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Geraldine Lay Fully qualified and insured practitioner of EFT and have completed the Picture Tapping Course run by Philip and Christine.
Have been practicing complementary therapies including Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, NLP, and Reiki since 2005
Banbury United Kingdom
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Lauren I'm Lauren, a trained practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and holistic therapies, based in North-West London. And I believe if you change your thinking, you can change your life.
Don't let anxiety take over your life.
Give Fear-Busters More...
London London
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