About The Picture Tapping Technique How it can benefit you to learn this technique.
What is the Picture Tapping Technique?
The Picture Tapping Technique is an add-on to other conventional Energy Psychology Techniques. It is a fusion between Art Therapy and Energy Psychology that brings impressive resolution of clients issues rapidly and painlessly.
The Picture Tapping Technique is a way of using Energy Psychology Techniques. It has lots of benefits over many of these other techniques in that it is often less traumatic for the client and very frequently faster resolution can be achieved particularly when the issues are global in nature.
The Picture Tapping Technique is a way of using EFT or other Energy Psychology techniques along with the power of metaphor and the imagination, to release problems in a painless and indirect way. Because the Picture Tapping Technique uses metaphor and symbols it allows disclosure that are difficult to express either verbally or by using other modalities.
The words practitioner and client have been used on this page to represent the person giving the Picture Tapping Technique session and the person receiving the Picture Tapping Technique, respectively. However please be aware that you can use the Picture Tapping Technique on yourself with good results. In that case, the client and the practitioner are the same person.
What can it be used on?
The Picture Tapping Technique is particularly useful where the problem is very non-specific or “Global” in nature. When used on these types of problems, it will often find the underlying core-events, or it will deal with the underlying core events without them coming into consciousness. For example:
- Low Self Esteem, Depression, Generalised anxiety
- “My family situation”, “I was bullied at school”, “My Mother”
- “My money worries”, “My blocks to success”, .. and many more.
Picture Tapping Technique may also be used on Specific Problems:
- Specific problems where the cause is known but the event is felt too keenly to be addressed directly. In this way it can be a very disassociative technique.
- Specific physical problems. Eg: this headache, this pain in my knee, etc.
- Specific emotional problems. Eg: Spider Phobia, Anger at my boss etc.
- Specific problems that appear to be blocked and are resisting clearance using other methods.
The Picture Tapping Technique is effective when being used to address abstract ideas:
Like the “Global” problems above, the technique can (and has) been used very successfully on abstract ideas.
- “All the events that are behind this problem”
- “My resistance to letting go of the problem”
- “The Karma from my past lives”
- “Writers Block”
- “Im not good enough”
- “Something terrible is going to happen”
- “My immune system”
The Picture Tapping Technique may be used on any issue where conventional Meridian Tapping Techniques are used. However, we can envisage situations where conventional Meridian Tapping Techniques and their enhancements may be more efficient than the Picture Tapping Technique. Some examples are the pain from a recent injury, the memory of a specific traumatic event or when a client is too emotionally overwhelmed to even think straight.
The Picture Tapping Technique is simple to use.
“Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler” – Albert Einstein.
If a healing technique requires the practitioner to have the mental agility of Albert Einstein, then it is not a lot of use to anyone but a minute fraction of the population. Any healing modality must be simple and accessible to everyone if it is ever going to make an impact on the world.
This is why Gary Craig’s EFT has become such a worldwide phenomenon. The EFT Basic Recipe is so simple that it can be (and is) used by people from around the world of all ages from toddlers to the superannuated. In developing the Picture Tapping Technique, we have followed this ethos as much as possible.
We found that when the practitioner has an absolute minimum of original input into a Picture Tapping Technique session, the results were far better, far more long lasting and a lot gentler than when the practitioner is trying to create reframes or trying to steer the session in a particular direction through use of techniques such as leading and so forth.
Testing is a large part of traditional Meridian Tapping Techniques, and Picture Tapping Technique does have some testing as a part of the process, however this is a very “user friendly” way of testing in that most of the testing is simply asking the client if the issue is resolved yet, at appropriate points in the process. Usually the resolution is obvious to both the practitioner and the client.
Often, the most challenging part of using the Picture Tapping Technique is to “get yourself out of the way” and allow the client to generate their own reframes, cognitive shifts, etc. Most experienced Practitioners are used to generating reframes on the fly, asking probing questions and searching for core issues, aspects, Writing on the Walls and so forth. However, the rewards are great when the client does this for themselves. These kind of reframes, and cognitive shifts have more “sticking” power because they have come from the client and not forced upon them from outside.
In Summary:
The Picture Tapping Technique:
- Is very simple
- Can be used on a wide range of issues but is particularly useful when addressing global issues and/or finding the core issues that are driving the global issues.
- Is a very gentle technique.
- Does not rely on the practitioner to think up reframes, ask searching questions or perform mental gymnastics.
- Requires the practitioner to have the minimum of input into the process. (to get themselves out of the way!)
- Required the practitioner to use a number of specific ‘clean language’ phrases and questions to the client.
- Allows reframes, cognitive shifts, finding aspects and related issues all to be carried out by the client.
- Minimises ‘leading’ or implanting of ideas from the practitioner into the clients mind.
- Gives increased “stick” to the reframes and cognitive shifts that the client has generated simply because they come from within, and are not being imposed from outside the clients model of the world.
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